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Beef Stir-Fry With Onions | Quick & Easy Rump Steak Stir-Fry
Cooking quick stir fry is very easy and sometimes you just need to make quick meal and this beef stir fry with onions is very great choice. I believe that this recipe will work with any beef, I have used rump steak. Just make sure you don't overcook beef. When cooking beef with stir fry method its important to cook beef quickly then cook your veggies and at the end just add meat back to veggies and finish meat.
I was making onion stir fry which goes very great together with beef and as spice I have used smoked paprika. As fat I have used olive oil, I like flavor of it (just make sure you don't hit smoke point) but feel free to use ghee, coconut oil or any other fat you prefer.

This onion beef stir fry is very great served over cauliflower rice (recipe soon). If you want more easy and quick stir fries, recipes with beef or just onion recipes make sure you check my channel and subscribe.